Friday, August 31, 2012

Just over a month...

Just over a month left until I say I do!!  This is both exciting, nerve-racking and most of all stressful. I was hoping at this point that I wouldn't have much left to do.  However, we don't have attire for the groom, the flowers are CRAZY expensive, I still need to finalize decorations for the reception and ceremony, taste and confirm the reception menu, book the hotel room for the bridesmaids and I to get ready, finish the alterations on my dress, pay off the photography, review the playlist with the DJ, select and purchase the groomsmen's gifts and attire, reception shoes(for me), welcome bags, and anything else that I'll remember as soon as I post this (becuase that is just how my life is lately!) OH and I really only have about the month of September to pull this off because lets face it.  My birthday is 10 days before my wedding and I will have NO time to do anything then.

I have a meeting tomorrow with another florist to review styles and cost.  Hopefully she will come in under budget.  Otherwise the bridesmaids are getting fake flowers and I will order my bouquet online.  I still have to figure out the decorations for the ceremony and put the finishing touches on the reception.  However doing this usually requires money and since I've paid off the reception there really is no money to do anything else right now.  FML (Did I mention that I have this sinking feeling that something is going to go horribly wrong soon?  Like the reception hall catching on fire or tons of last minute cancellations.)   

Decorations:  The ceremony is at church and we have the large space, checkered carpet (that looks like it is yellow and green ish tones), green chairs, cream walls, no real setup for a grand entrance as a bride (short of entering from the back door and being seen by everyone who sits in the back on the left).  So how to decorate the large space and still get the feel I want is going to be difficult.  It will probably be a daily undertaking for the whole week prior to the wedding.  Drop off decorations into a classroom Sunday evening, arrive Monday and decorate the chairs, arrive Tuesday and stage or decorate most of the other areas, then Wednesday set up the isle (and pray that no one messes with it during youth night),  Thursday is the wedding so unless the boys go up in the morning and fix everything (which probably won't work or look the way I want it to)  I don't know what to do.

The reception decorations are looking closer to what I want, I just need something to add height to the room.  I can't decide what's missing.  I know I want to some element of a tree but according to other people if we have too many things it is going to look cluttered.  I want it to look elegant.  I want it to feel special and welcoming.  If I could have 2 tall elements per long table I would feel better.  I can't picture everything together and I need to be able to see it otherwise I'm not going to like any of it.  I want a candy bar and a photo booth station.  I want everything to look like the picture that inspired the wedding colors.

I know that a wedding is just a party and if at the end of the day we are married then it went perfectly, BUT I want the pictures to reflect the years I have put into this and the overall feel that I'm trying to achieve.  I know that there is more to write but right now I am exhausted and it's time to fall asleep.

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